Our auditing services on behalf of our clients are results and benefit-driven besides the formal approach of propriety.
We achieve efficient results for our clients through the close professional collaboration of our German tax advisor and German CPA with our lawyers at NPP LEGAL Schellack & Partner Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater mbB. We obtain this unified approach to our understanding of our auditing activities by providing our employees with permanent internal and external seminars using interdisciplinary methods.
Clients with an international focus, especially with group relationships, benefit from our worldwide collaboration with the Alliott Group (tax advisor, CPA and solicitors).
Statutory audits:
We carry out audits prescribed by law and voluntary audits of annual financial statements and consolidated statements on the basis of German and international accounting rules, in particular in accordance with:
- the German Commercial Code, the German Banking Act, Insurance Supervision Act, the Securities and Exchange Supervision Act, state and municipal regulations
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Special audits and other audits:
In addition, we also carry out special audits and other audits, such as:
- formation audits and capital increase audits under the German Stock Corporation Act and Transformation Act and further special audits under public company law
- transformation and merger audits under the Transformation Act
- audits in accordance with licence statements for dual systems
- auditing the declaration of completeness under § 10 of the Packaging Directive as well as the Dual System Germany certificate
- audits in accordance with the Real Estate Agent and Property Developer Ordinance
- audits in accordance with the Budgetary Principles Act
- IT and system audits
- creditworthiness audits
- examination of critical processes and confidential transactions
- auditing the proper use of public and private subsidies received
- audits in accordance with the Renewable Energies Act
- First Level Control audits of EU subsidies
- pre-insolvency advice such as going concern concepts, insolvency plans and overindebtedness audits
Audit-related services:
- support in preparing annual financial statements and consolidated statements
- support in converting to international accounting standards (IFRS)
- carrying out internal audits
- optimising processes in accounts
- advising tax-exempt corporations in setting up accounting systems to meet special fiscal evidentiary requirements
- auditing and advising on operating processes, internal monitoring systems, particularly risk management systems and risk monitoring systems
- financial and tax due diligence for the acquisition of companies and participations
- peer reviews under § 57a para. 3 of the Auditing Ordinance