We have many years of experience in auditing and advising mainly mid-sized companies in the financial services sector, a branch of industry that is subject to complex and constantly growing regulatory density.
The regulatory demands placed on the regulatory process by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority apply to companies subject to statutory audits and their auditors and advisors, and they require a high degree of specialist knowledge which has to be constantly updated in the wake of permanently shifting statutory and regulatory requirements.
We possess the specialist expertise, to efficiently audit and advise mid-sized financial services companies with differing areas of specialisation - particularly in the fields of investment brokering, investment advice, acquisition brokering, financial portfolio management and proprietary trading.
We offer the following services as a special area of focus:
We also have experience in carrying out credit exposure audits as part of special audits under § 44 KWG and as part of the auditing of annual financial statements.